Replacment Air Con Remote for Hitachi Model : RAR

This new Hitachi AC Remote can be replaced with any 1 of 2 options below.

All 2 options below are 100% money back guaranteed to substitute your old Hitachi Remote and we will ship it directly to your door.

Prices range from $59.00 to $109.00.

Buyers should note that while the photo shows your old remote, the universal remote & substitute option will look different than the one in the photo but is guaranteed to function.

  • $59.00
    Unit price per 

My model number is

We use your model number to double check & guarantee compatibility. It's recommended you put your Device or Remote model number here


Brand new Alternative Hitachi Remote. We have sourced it as many original remotes have been discontinued.

Please select which version you need at checkout
Option 1: Heating & Cooling
Option 2: Only Cooling

This remote replaces the following Hitachi remote models:
RAR-3V2 RAR-2P2 RAR-3U1 rar 5fa1 RAS-S18CAK 
Includes all original remote functions auto, fan, heat and AC functions.


No programming required. Simply insert batteries and you are ready to control your AC again.


A 3 Year warranty is included with this remote so please print out your invoice and keep it safe as your invoice is your warranty card.


We know the weather is very harsh right now, that's why we ship virtually immediately. However since this remote is shipped from abroad, please add an extra 7 working days for delivery.



Ask a Question
  • Is the screen lit ?

    in our remote the screen doesnt light up as its a Remotes Remade version.