HAWV18KR  Hisense AC Remotes

HAWV18KR Hisense AC Remotes

This new HAWV18KR can be replaced with any 1 of 3 options below.

All 3 options below are 100% money back guaranteed to substitute your old Hisense Remote and we will ship it directly to your door.

Prices range from $49.00 to $109.00.

Buyers should note that while the photo shows your old remote, the universal remote & substitute option will look different than the one in the photo but is guaranteed to function.

  • $49.00
    Unit price per 


This RR Branded remote  for (pictured) will replace your old Hisense remote which resembles it.

**This solution is exclusive to Australia Remotes - Provided exclusively to Australia Remotes by Daniel Malchi, the worlds remote expert **

Includes all original remote functions!


No programming required for options 1 and 2 only. Simply insert batteries and you are ready to control your AC again.

, , , , so if your model number is listed you can order with 100% confidence even if the remote looks slightly different than yours. If your model number is not listed please only order from this page if the remote is identical to your old remote.



Ask a Question
  • Will this remote work on the HSA25R as well?

    Yes it does. We have just updated the Compatible models and HSA25R Remote it is now on the list.